School History
St. Peter’s Lutheran School is located in the town of Richmond in northern Macomb County. The school is a part of St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod (LCMS), and is primarily supported by the congregation. In addition to the city of Richmond, both the church and school include members from surrounding areas including the cities/towns of Armada, Memphis, and New Haven, and the townships of Casco, Columbus, East China, Lenox, Ray and Richmond.
In 1888, Mr. F. Prange was called by St. Peter’s Lutheran Church to serve as the first teachers of St. Peter’s Lutheran School. Previously, the pastor served as the teacher in the Christian day school. Mr. Paul Stohlman was the first person to be called for the position of principal / teacher.
The enrollment continued to grow and in January, 1948, another teacher was hired. Kindergarten became a separate class in 1959 and St. Peter’s added a preschool program in 1979.
Richmond’s once rural/farming community is changing to a more ethnically and economically diverse community. Although, the “small-town” and rural atmosphere is still a large part of Richmond’s identity, the youth of the area will need the skills to compete in a global economy when they are ready to join the workforce.
Philosophy of Lutheran Christian Education

St. Peter’s believes that true wisdom can only be found in Jesus Christ. Therefore, we strive to provide the highest quality instruction in all subjects, teaching them with a Christ-centered focus. Through the working of the Holy Spirit, each child is prepared for life on earth and for eternity.
St. Peter’s Lutheran School will provide educational experiences to enable our students, through God’s guidance, to:
- Recognize their importance and worth as children of God.
- Know God’s forgiveness through Jesus Christ.
- Grow in love and faith toward God.
- Develop Christ-centered values and habits.
- Grow in love and service toward others.
- Share the Good News of Jesus Christ with others.
- Develop skills in language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, music, art, physical education, and technology.
- Become responsible citizens in this world.