
The ladies on the Altar Guild are a blessing as they help set up for worship each week. They team up with each other to serve on a rotating basis to cover different months of the year. If you would be interested in working on the Altar Guild, please call the church secretary.

The mission of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is to assist each woman of the The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in ministry to the people of the world.
Can you keep a secret? Do you like showing someone you are thinking of them with a card or gift on a special occasion? Than this is the ladies group for you. Every year in April a “Secret Pal Revealing Dinner” is held. All ladies are welcome to come to the dinner to see people finally reveal who their secret pals have been all year. If you want to join for the following year, you can that night by simply filling out an info sheet about yourself. You then will draw one about someone else and that is your “pal” for the year. You then remember that person in your prayers, with cards, and with gifts on Mother’s Day, their birthday, their anniversary, Christmas, etc.. This is a great way to get to know other ladies in our congregation. For more info, please call the church office.
SHOUT FOR JOY TO GOD from Psalm 66:1-2
Each of the 29 zones in Michigan presents a banner at the convention that shows their interpretation of the theme. After the convention, they are given to designated recipients. This year, the Blue Water Zone banner is being given to the only school in our Zone, St. Peter’s Lutheran School in Richmond. The beautiful banner was designed by Peter Doroh, a past graduate of St. Peter’s School. The ladies of the Blue Water Zone would like to THANK Peter for showing, through his design, the reason for our JOY, not only the cross but also the open tomb. The Blue Water Zone also THANKS Marilyn Schade for bringing the design to life through the use of fabric.