High School Bible Study
High School Bible Study begins Sunday, September 19th from 9:30am – 10:30am for high school students.

Confirmation Classes
Our Confirmation classes are on Wednesdays September through April and are for students in 3rd – 8th grade. Starting in 2024, confirmands will be confirmed in 7th grade. If you have not registered for classes yet, please contact Amanda Francek at afrancek@splschoolrichmond.org.

Youth and Family Activities
To stay up-to-date on current children, youth, and family activities sign up for our youth email list.
Youth Mission 2022
Our High School Youth will be going to Alaska to serve the children and families of Anchorage in June of 2024. Please pray for these youth as they go to share the Gospel and be the hands and feet of Christ. Want to support the youth? You can drop off a donation in the offering or donate through St. Peter's online giving (please put Youth Mission in the memo). For more information contact afrancek@splschoolrichmond.org.